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31 August 2020

SBD Quick Canopy Makeover

In just 15 minutes, you can give your Santa Barbara Umbrella canopy a fresh, new appearance with our tried and true canopy cleaning technique. It is so simple, all you need is a hose and spray nozzle; see for yourself in this short video.

For deeper cleaning tips, please visit the Maintenance section on our website. While you are at it, spray down and clean the frame and base. Our website offers cleaning instructions for the wood frame and base as well.

Santa Barbara umbrella Image
When that’s all done, keep your canopy clean with a Storage Cover. Fabricated in a standard vinyl or customized in any awning fabric, these covers are tailored to fit any Santa Barbara Designs umbrella. An aluminum rod is sewn into a fabric pocket and makes installation on the umbrella a snap.

We recommend giving your canopy a quick makeover at least once every four weeks, to keep your umbrella clean and happy.